Ilan Morgenstern

About me

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Algorithms, Data, and Market Design at Yale University. Starting in summer 2025, I will join the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business as an Assistant Professor of Operations and Information Technology Management.

I received my PhD in Operations, Information & Technology from the Stanford Graduate School of Business, where I was fortunate to be advised by Daniela Saban and Kostas Bimpikis.

My research explores questions related to the design and operations of online marketplaces and platforms. My work aims to advance our understanding of these markets and develop practical recommendations to improve their operations, leveraging tools from game theory, operations research and empirical data analysis.

I am originally from Mexico City. Before my graduate studies, I graduated from ITAM with degrees in applied mathematics and economics and worked as a management consultant for McKinsey & Company.

For more information, please see my CV.

Email: ilanmor 'at' stanford 'dot' edu


(1) Data Tracking under Competition, with K. Bimpikis and D. Saban. Operations Research, 72(2), March-April 2024.

(2) Information Disclosure and Promotion Policy Design for Platforms, with Y. Gur, G. Macnamara, and D. Saban. Management Science, 69(10), October 2023.